Solution to omega2013 (Falling-Disks) by codility

4 Feb

Question: Question Name: omega2013 or FallingDisks

Solution to Equi by codility

2 Feb

Question: Question Name: Equi The expected worst-case space complexity could be less than required.

Solution to Tree-Height by codility

29 Jan

Question: Question Name: TreeHeight Classic recursion problem.

Solution to Abs-Distinct by codility

29 Jan

Question: Question Name: AbsDistinct In the original requirement, expected worst-case space complexity is O(N). But actually, O(1) is enought.

Solution to Binary-Gap by codility

29 Jan

Question: Question Name: BinaryGap

Solution to alpha2010 (Prefix-Set) by codility

29 Jan

Question: Question Name: alpha2010 or PrefixSet At the first glance, I think the set of Python is the best choice. Actually, the set solution passed all the test, and got 100/100 grade.

BUT, acording to the time complexity … Read More »

Solution to Count-Semiprimes by codility

28 Jan

Question: Question Name: CountSemiprimes

Solution to Count-Non-Divisible by codility

28 Jan

Question: Question Name: CountNonDivisible

Solution to boron2013 (Flags) by codility

27 Jan

Question: Question Name: boron2013 or Flags The official solution is here. UPDATE 2014-10-02: thanks to Piotrek Martynowicz, a bug is found and fixed.