class Solution(object):
def _combinationSum3Helper(self, remaining, candidates, next_value,
partial_sum, target):
:type remaining: int. It's the count of additional numbers could be
:type candidates: list[bool]. candidates[i] is True, if the number i is\
:type next_value: int. It's the next number to consider.
:type partial_sum: int. The sum of used candidates so far.
:type target : int. It's the target sum.
:rtype: List[List[int]]
result = []
if remaining == 0:
if partial_sum == target:
# Found one combination.
combination = []
for i in xrange(1, next_value):
if candidates[i] == True:
return result
# This combination is not valid.
return result
elif partial_sum + next_value > target or next_value > 9:
# It's impossbile to have any valid combination with current
# prefix.
return result
# It does not take the next_value.
remaining, candidates, next_value + 1, partial_sum, target))
# It does take the next_value.
candidates[next_value] = True
remaining - 1, candidates, next_value + 1,
partial_sum + next_value, target))
candidates[next_value] = False
return result
def combinationSum3(self, k, n):
:type k: int
:type n: int
:rtype: List[List[int]]
candidates = [False for _ in xrange(10)] # 0 is never used.
return self._combinationSum3Helper(k, candidates, 1, 0, n)