Solution to Peaks by codility

26 Jan

Question: Question Name: Peaks UPDATE on July 18th 2015: Many thanks to @Antonio Correia ( !!! @Antonio Correia found a huge bug in my solution, even though it passed the The bug has been fixed.

Solution to Max-Slice-Sum by codility

26 Jan

Question: Question Name: MaxSliceSum The classic maximum subarray problem. It should be the very first question in this lesson.

Solution to Max-Profit by codility

25 Jan

Question: Question Name: MaxProfit For this question, we have to travel from the last element to the first one.

Solution to Equi-Leader by codility

24 Jan

Question: Question Name: EquiLeader A variant of the previous question.

Solution to Dominator by codility

24 Jan

Question: Question Name: Dominator Same question in the introduction pdf.

Solution to Fish by codility

23 Jan

Question: Question Name: Fish UPDATE 03-14-2014: “downstream_count” is a redundant variable. It could be replaced with len(downstream) safely. (Thanks to the reminder from Max)

Solution to sigma2012 (Stone-Wall) by codility

23 Jan

Question: Question Name: sigma2012 or StoneWall

Solution to Nesting by codility

22 Jan

Question: Question Name: Nesting This question is nearly the same as the previous one, but does not need a stack.