Solution to Reverse Nodes in k-Group by LeetCode

24 Apr

Question: Question Name: Reverse Nodes in k-Group

Solution to Swap Nodes in Pairs by LeetCode

11 Apr

Question: Question Name: Swap Nodes in Pairs

Solution to Merge k Sorted Lists by LeetCode

11 Apr

Question: Question Name: Merge k Sorted Lists

Solution to Generate Parentheses by LeetCode

11 Apr

Question: Question Name: Generate Parentheses A good question to show the good side of recursion. Memorization could improve the performance.

Solution to Valid Parentheses by LeetCode

11 Apr

Question: Question Name: Valid Parentheses

Solution to Remove Nth Node From End of List by LeetCode

11 Apr

Question: Question Name: Remove Nth Node From End of List

Solution to 4Sum by LeetCode

8 Apr

Quesion: Question Name: 4Sum or 4-sum The key point is to prune when further qualified combination is not possible.

Solution to Letter Combinations of a Phone Number by LeetCode

5 Apr

Question: Question Name: Letter Combinations of a Phone Number

Solution to 3Sum Closest by LeetCode

5 Apr

Question: Question Name: 3Sum Closest

Solution to Longest Common Prefix by LeetCode

5 Apr

Question: Question Name: Longest Common Prefix