Question Name: Letter Combinations of a Phone Number
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 | class Solution: # @return a list of strings, [s1, s2] def letterCombinations(self, digits): # Mapping table for translating number to letters num2letter = {"2":"abc", "3":"def", "4":"ghi", "5":"jkl", "6":"mno", "7":"pqrs", "8":"tuv", "9":"wxyz"} # The result for an empty string is an empty string. if len(digits) == 0: return [""] # We are only handling numbers from 2 to 9. if not digits[0] in num2letter: raise LookupError("Unacceptable input.") # Terminate case for recursion if len(digits) == 1: return [i for i in num2letter[digits[0]]] # The strings for the current digit. temp = [i for i in num2letter[digits[0]]] result = [] # Recursion case. Append the recursion result to each string for current digit. for tail in self.letterCombinations(digits[1:]): result.extend([i+tail for i in temp]) return result |