Question Name: Word Ladder II
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 | class Solution: # @param start, a set of string # @return two dictionaries def _buildSig(self, contents): sig = {} # Records the signatures for each string bucket = {} # Records the strings with each signature for string in contents: sig[string] = [] for index in xrange(len(string)): tempSig = string[:index] + "*" + string[index+1:] sig[string].append(tempSig) if tempSig not in bucket: bucket[tempSig] = [] bucket[tempSig].append(string) return sig, bucket # @param start, a string # @param end, a string # @param dict, a set of string # @return a list of lists of string def findLadders(self, start, end, dict): # Build the graph. # Two nodes (whose value is the string in dict), are connected if # they have one same signature or more. sig, bucket = self._buildSig(set([start, end]) | dict) result = [] accessed = {} for string in dict: accessed[string] = False accessed[start] = True # Travel the graph in breadth-first search. currentLayer = [[start]] steps = 1 while len(currentLayer) != 0 and len(result) == 0: steps += 1 nextLayer = [] accessedTemp = [] for intermediate in currentLayer: signatures = sig[intermediate[-1]] for signature in signatures: for nextLayerCandidate in bucket[signature]: # Transformation from start to end finished. if nextLayerCandidate == end: result.append(intermediate + [end]) continue # Accessed before. Not to access again. if accessed[nextLayerCandidate]: continue # We cannot set the accessed flag instantly here. # The other same-deep nodes(stirng) also have the # right to jump to this node(string). accessedTemp.append(nextLayerCandidate) nextLayer.append(intermediate + [nextLayerCandidate]) for item in accessedTemp: accessed[item] = True currentLayer = nextLayer return result |
Tried to maintain a small memory profile through recursive backtracing, which requires a DFS to conduct. So, doing a BFS first to collect necessary info to guide the following DFS. Therefore, only a single vector is necessary for tracking all possible shortest path.