Question Name: Substring with Concatenation of All Words
The brute force method works here. Assume the hash function is O(n). Let the length of S be M, the length of L be N, and the length of each word in L be P, as intruduced in other solutions, the worst time complexity O(M*N*P) is accepted by the OJ system. It could be optimized by using Caterpillar method. The following optimization solution need O(M*P).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 | class Solution: # @param S, a string # @param L, a list of string # @return a list of integer def findSubstring(self, S, L): result = [] # Count the occurrence of each word in L occurrence = {} totalCount = len(L) for element in L: occurrence[element] = occurrence.get(element,0) + 1 # The frequency of words in current window curentOccurrence = {k:0 for k in occurrence.keys()} # The length of words in L subLen = len(L[0]) # Travel the S in a Caterpillar method: S[offset:] with step of subLen # S[0::subLen] + S[1::subLen] + ... + S[sublen-1::subLen] = all possibility for offset in xrange(subLen): currentCount = 0 # Overall occurrence of words in L in current window # The frequency of words in current window is initially set to be zero for k in curentOccurrence: curentOccurrence[k] = 0 BeginIndex = offset # Begin position of current window EndIndex = offset # End position of current window # Not enough letters to form a qualified string if BeginIndex >= len(S) - subLen * len(L) + 1: break # As long as there are enough letters to form a qualified string, and the EndIndex # can be moved forwards, we continue our search. while BeginIndex < len(S) - subLen * len(L) + 1 and EndIndex < len(S) - subLen + 1: # Try to move the EndIndex forward while EndIndex < len(S) - subLen + 1: if S[EndIndex:EndIndex + subLen] in occurrence: # Current word appears in L curentOccurrence[S[EndIndex:EndIndex + subLen]] += 1 currentCount += 1 if curentOccurrence[S[EndIndex:EndIndex + subLen]] > occurrence[S[EndIndex:EndIndex + subLen]]: # Current word appears too many times. It is impossible for current window to be a # qualified string. # Skip the words in current window, which are before current word's earliest occurrence. while S[BeginIndex:BeginIndex + subLen] != S[EndIndex:EndIndex + subLen]: curentOccurrence[S[BeginIndex:BeginIndex + subLen]] -= 1 currentCount -= 1 BeginIndex += subLen # Skip current word's earliest occurrence. curentOccurrence[S[BeginIndex:BeginIndex + subLen]] -= 1 currentCount -= 1 BeginIndex += subLen EndIndex += subLen continue else: # Current word does not appear in L. We need to skip it and begin a new search. BeginIndex = EndIndex + subLen EndIndex = BeginIndex currentCount = 0 for k in curentOccurrence: curentOccurrence[k] = 0 continue EndIndex += subLen # Move the EndIndex forward if currentCount == totalCount: # Current window contains a qualified string result.append(BeginIndex) # Move the BeginIndex forward to continue the next search. currentCount -= 1 curentOccurrence[S[BeginIndex:BeginIndex+subLen]] -= 1 BeginIndex += subLen return result |