Question Name: Sort Colors
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 | class Solution: # @param A a list of integers # @return nothing, sort in place def sortColors(self, A): ''' The one-pass solution is similar with the 3-way quick sort algorithm. ''' nextZero = 0 # The position to store the next 0 nextTwo = len(A) - 1 # The position to store the next 2 index = 0 while index <= nextTwo: # !!! BEWARE OF THE RANGE !!! if A[index] == 0: # May need to be moved to the head. if index == nextZero: # Already in the head part. No need to move. index += 1 nextZero += 1 else: # Move the the head part. A[index], A[nextZero] = A[nextZero], A[index] nextZero += 1 elif A[index] == 2: # Need to be moved to the tail. A[index], A[nextTwo] = A[nextTwo], A[index] nextTwo -= 1 else: # Keep in the middle range. index += 1 return |