Question Name: CountPalindromicSlices
This task is based on the longest palindromic substring question, which has a good solution naming Manacher’s algorithm. Some explanation about the algorithm could be found here (English) and here (Chinese).
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 | def palindrome_substring(str): ''' Input: string Attention: the input string will be extended. For example, original string abc would be converted into #a#b#c#. Output: array, to say palindrome_len. palindrome_len[i] records the half width (include the element in position i) of palindrome substring, which centers in position i. Method: Manacher's algorithm Time complexity: O(n) ''' str = "#" + "#".join(str) + "#" # Convert the original string so # that, every palindrome substring # in the new string has odd number # of elements. palindrome_len = [0] * len(str) # Store the half width (include the # center point) of the longest # palindrome substring with index # being the substring's center. # palindrome_len[i]-1 means the full # length of palindrome substring in # the original string. bound = 0 # Record the first positin, that the previous computed # palindrome substrings chould NOT achieve. center = 0 # Record the center position of the substring, which # is corresponding to "bound". for index in xrange(len(str)): if bound > index: # Part of current substring has already been compared. # For point "index", 2*center-index is the point # symmetrical to the points "center". palindrome_len[index] = min( palindrome_len[2*center-index], bound-index ) else: # None of current substring has been compared. palindrome_len[index] = 1 # Compare the uncompared elements one by one. while index-palindrome_len[index] >= 0 and index+palindrome_len[index] < len(str) and str[index-palindrome_len[index]] == str[index+palindrome_len[index]]: palindrome_len[index] += 1 if bound < palindrome_len[index] + index: # The bound has been extended. center = index bound = palindrome_len[index] + index return palindrome_len def solution(S): # With center point i, if the longest palindrome substring # has length of j, the number of palindrome substrings, # with the same center, is j//2. count = sum([ (length-1)/2 for length in palindrome_substring(S) if length>2 ]) if count > 100000000: return -1 else: return count |
Hey Sheng ,
I was really stuck with this one , however your mention of Manacher’s algorithm showed me the light and I thank you for that . My solution is slightly different than yours. I count the palindrome slices when palindrome length of index is calculated.
Here i my code . I am not sure how to use your tags so I am pasting the result URL.
I experienced the same stuck, until I noticed Manacher’s algorithm. That is why I posted all my solution online, so that you do not need to stuck at the same point and nowhere to find the right direction.
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