Solution to Excel Sheet Column Number by LeetCode

23 Apr

Question: Question Name: Excel Sheet Column Number This tiny website is hosted on a free provider. Therefore it is not as strong as the big guys. SORRY for any inconvenience recently.

Solution to Excel Sheet Column Title by LeetCode

9 Apr

Question: Question Name: Excel Sheet Column

Solution to Fraction to Recurring Decimal by LeetCode

8 Apr

Question: Question Name: Fraction to Recurring Decimal Again, a little mathematical puzzle. Pay attention to some corner cases.


Solution to Compare Version Numbers by LeetCode

7 Apr

Question: Question Name: Compare Version Numbers Clean up the tailing 0(s), and the right answer is there.

Solution to Find Peak Element by LeetCode

26 Dec

Question: Question Name: Find Peak Element The key point is: return the index to ANY ONE of the peaks. So O(logN) is possible.

Solution to Intersection of Two Linked Lists by LeetCode

25 Dec

Question: Question Name: Intersection of Two Linked Lists

Solution to Min Stack by LeetCode

21 Dec

Question: Question Name: Min Stack