def gcd(x, y):
''' Compute the greatest common divisor.
if x%y == 0:
return y;
return gcd(y, x%y)
def removeCommonPrimeDivisors(x, y):
''' Remove all prime divisors of x, which also exist in y. And
return the remaining part of x.
while x != 1:
gcd_value = gcd(x, y)
if gcd_value == 1:
# x does not contain any more
# common prime divisors
x /= gcd_value
return x
def hasSamePrimeDivisors(x, y):
gcd_value = gcd(x, y) # The gcd contains all
# the common prime divisors
x = removeCommonPrimeDivisors(x, gcd_value)
if x != 1:
# If x and y have exactly the same common
# prime divisors, x must be composed by
# the prime divisors in gcd_value. So
# after previous loop, x must be one.
return False
y = removeCommonPrimeDivisors(y, gcd_value)
return y == 1
def solution(A, B):
count = 0
for x,y in zip(A,B):
if hasSamePrimeDivisors(x,y):
count += 1
return count